(McGraw-Hill, New York, authorized Chinese edition by McGraw Hill and Post & Telecom Press, PRC)
Influencing Powerful People

An empowering book with broad appeal.
There are thousands of books that offer advice on being and becoming a great leader. Yet, there is very little written about how to work with leaders, especially those who are demanding and difficult. This is despite the fact that such characters are a universal phenomenon. This book will fill the gap. It will help you deal with powerful people whether they are your boss, customer, or critical counterpart in your (global) organization. The "rules" for dealing with powerful people apply far beyond interaction with high profile characters. Depending on where you are, the managing director of your local subsidiary, the head of your finance department, the influential member of your board, the critical donor to your charity, or the owner of your small business may be just as powerful in your setting as a corporate tycoon in someone else's.