Like many endeavors in business and in life, effective negotiation requires “hard” (technical) and “soft” (people) skills. Depending on their background, executives will attribute more weight to one or the other, but they will do so at their peril. Technical and people skills don’t just complement each other, they reinforce each other and bringing both to the negotiation table will have a multiplier effect.
STOP Doing These 10 Things to Become a More Effective Negotiator in 2021
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Jenoir Client Spotlight: Keynote at CFFB - Centre for Family Business
The ability to engage and influence powerful people is especially important in the context of a family business. Founders and CEOs of family businesses are often strong willed and even intimidating people. Understanding what drives them and how to work with them effectively can make a huge contribution to the success and growth of a family business and help its further development from a leadership and strategy perspective.
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Announcing the new website
We are delighted to announce the launch of our new website!
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