• Creating Success In A Work From Home Environment

    Author: Jaye Cabreros | | Categories: Change Management , Collaboration , COVID-19 , Leadership , Teamwork , Working from Home

    Blog by Jenoir International Inc

    What is the new normal, and how do we adapt? A White Paper on implementing a successful work from home model in any industry.

    By Jaye Cabreros*

    You may remember our previous article discussing the benefits of implementing a WHF policy at your workplace. 11 months into the pandemic, and with more data on our hands, we are able to address the major barriers to WFH and how to overcome them. Jaye Cabreros is a research consultant for Jenoir® International and has analyzed the factors required for a successful WFH model in the blog below, as well as the attached full White Paper.

    With the global pandemic showing no signs of reversal, any significant quality of life improvement is unlikely to arise until a sizeable majority of the world's population is vaccinated. It is also unlikely, then, that the global workforce will see any wholesale regressions towards a pre-pandemic work arrangement any time soon.

    Click here to read the full article

  • Will Working From Home Become the New Standard?

    Author: Jaye Cabreros | | Categories: COVID-19 , Working from Home

    Blog by Jenoir International Inc

    Will working from home become the new standard? An analysis of the costs and benefits of remote work in a rapidly evolving business climate

    By Jaye Cabreros*

    Eight months into the pandemic the novelty of working from home has worn off. Some companies are now contemplating a permanent shift to WFH while others can't wait to bring their people back to the office. Jaye Cabreros is a research consultant for Jenoir® International and has analyzed the costs and benefits of working from home.

    With the current global health pandemic underway, many companies worldwide have opted towards a work-at-home model for non-essential employees. The consensus of this model, while mostly positive, has been mixed. While proponents argue it offers a better work-life balance, countless debate an overall drop in productivity since the beginning of the pandemic.

    Click here to read the full article